ID | Interpret | Skladba | Album | |
1. | San Francesco | Milch | Musical | |
2. | Scotch n Soda | Apology to a Cow | Bat Boy: The Musical | |
3. | COUp | LIJ #238: Kancho - Threat, or | JET: The Musical | |
4. | Chris Oates | All You Need Is Love Chris | Eva The Musical | |
5. | Space Ghost | Highway 40 Unplugged | Musical Bar-B-Que | |
6. | Chris Oates | Downtown Chris | Eva The Musical | |
7. | Chris Oates | All You Need Is Love Chris | Eva The Musical | |
8. | Chris Oates | You've Got To Fight An Angel Or Two Chris | Eva The Musical | |
9. | San Francesco | Milch | Musical | |
10. | H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej | H.M. Blues | The Musical Compositions of H. | |
11. | H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej | Never Mind the Hungry Men's Bl | The Musical Compositions of H. | |
12. | Percy Brauch & Thomas Winter | Was ist das Freundschaft | Minna. Musical | |
13. | Band | Share Your Love With Me | A Musical History | |
14. | ggw bach | Step 6 - Having Fung | 100 Musical Footsteps | |
15. | ggw bach | Step 7 - Honesty | 100 Musical Footsteps | |
16. | H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej | Love at Sundown | The Musical Compositions of H. | |
17. | Serenade Ensemble | DanceSpirits24 | Musical Selections | |
18. | Guttermouth | Good Friday | Musical Monkey | |
19. | Guttermouth | Bakers Dozen | Musical Monkey | |
20. | Guttermouth | Good Friday | Musical Monkey | |
21. | Guttermouth | Bakers Dozen | Musical Monkey | |
22. | H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej | Duang Jai Kap Kwarm Ruk | The Musical Compositions of H. | |
23. | H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej | Near Dawn | The Musical Compositions of H. | |
24. | H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej | Love over Again | The Musical Compositions of H. | |
25. | Robert Calkin and Roger Cole | initiation | MY BOY-SOUNDTRACK FROM THE MUSICAL | |
26. | H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej | Lovelight in My Heart | The Musical Compositions of H. | |
27. | H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej | Yarm Kam | The Musical Compositions of H. | |
28. | H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej | Friday Night Rag | The Musical Compositions of H. | |
29. | H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej | Candlelight Blues | The Musical Compositions of H. | |
30. | H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej | Ruk Kuen Ruen | The Musical Compositions of H. | |